Student Life

How to Skip School? 11 Tricks

Most children seem to despise school with intense hatred, so I’ve decided to compile a list of ways to avoid going to school since I’ve had firsthand experience with skipping classes and even school altogether.

You don’t always want to wait until the weekend; sometimes you just need a break from school. It’s possible that you completely forgot about an Algebra test. Do you need a moment to yourself? Here is a helpful guide on how to skip a middle school class (or classes).

Fake Being Sick of Your Parents

The most straightforward and popular method of skipping school is this one. If you rub your forehead until it becomes warm, put a thermometer in a lamp (if your parents usually take your temperature with a thermometer), and pretend to have a few other symptoms of an illness (without pretending to have anything too serious, like meningitis, so you won’t be taken to the hospital), you should be able to avoid detection and spend a few days at home relaxing.

Bonus points if you stay up late because having bags under your eyes will really help the act seem credible.

Left Your Homework/project at Home

The first valid justification for not attending class is leaving your homework at home. You prepared a very important school project that you had to finish, but you unluckily left it at home. You wouldn’t have dared to attend class without it given how important good grades are to your parents.

Found a Little Animal, and Tried to Help It

You must have been attending classes, then. You definitely wanted to be the best in the math class, today. However, you had to assist a small kitten that was scurrying around among the cars. It’s a good thing you were able to get it to a vet or shelter because it’s now safe. Maybe now is the best time to try and talk your parents into getting a pet.

Something Bad Happened, You Were in Tears So Couldn’t Go to Class

how to skip school

This will work if you are a female. You were unable to sit in class and pay close attention because you were too upset to concentrate.

Other Kids Made Fun of You, So You Hid

Despite spending the entire day at school, you had to hide, which is why it appeared that you were not there. But don’t use this justification if your parents are the type to call the principal right away!

Needed a Mental Health Day Or a Friend Was Having An Emergency

You can explain that recently you experienced a great deal of stress, making it impossible for you to attend school even though you wanted to. Or perhaps your closest friend needed help with a big issue and you were the only one who could.

Miss the School Bus

This one isn’t an option for most people because it’s likely that your parents could simply drive you to school.

The process of skipping school by failing to catch the bus is relatively simple for those of us who take it (especially for those of us whose parents are employed). You’re free to go home for the day after taking care of that.

Walk Around the School Without Going to Class until Your Next Class

On Thursday, February 3rd, 2022, I simply chose to skip my English class and not attend my second-period class. In order to pass the time before the bell rang and I had to report to my third-period world history class, I brought my phone to school that day, which is pretty uncommon for me.

I had a chance to chat with a few of my friends during that hour, as well as spend a brief amount of time on my phone and walk the length of my school’s campus. I also found a small field with plenty of shade and even managed to complete a drawing in my sketchbook.


Consequently, you went to the cafeteria to get something for breakfast, like an egg salad or tuna sandwich, and it made you feel sick right away. You, therefore, had the runs and had to spend the entire morning in the bathroom. You were unable to leave the restroom, so you were unable to visit the nurse.

Your School Bag Was Taken on the Bus and You Wanted to Get It Back

Your school bag occupies the fifth spot on our list of valid justifications for skipping class halfway through. Your satchel was stolen from the bus, and you had to chase the bad guys to recover it, making for a very difficult day. You succeeded at last, but you were unable to attend class. When telling the story, take care not to go overboard.

Girl Problem/Had An Accident (for Boys)

Girl problems can always serve as an acceptable justification if you’re a girl. Your parents will accept it because everyone knows that sometimes it can be extremely painful. You can explain that you left for school but decided to return home after experiencing excruciating pain en route.

If you’re a boy, you can claim that you cut yourself accidentally and missed the bus because by the time you bandaged the wound.